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Phillips on Forbes.com: For Women, Finding The Right Financial Adviser Is Key To Financial Peace Of Mind Thumbnail

Phillips on Forbes.com: For Women, Finding The Right Financial Adviser Is Key To Financial Peace Of Mind

When it comes to wealth management, finding someone who cares as much about your money as you do is an important part of the picture. This is especially true for affluent U.S. women, who continue to earn and are responsible for a growing share of investable assets. Women are also expected to inherit trillions by the end of this decade as part of the enormous transfer of wealth taking place among baby boomers. Given how many roles and responsibilities women often juggle, you deserve to have an advisor who has your best interests at heart and wants to help you successfully traverse life’s unexpected twists and turns.

Obermeyer Wood News - Fall 2022 Thumbnail

Obermeyer Wood News - Fall 2022

The market continues to test the nerves and resolve of most -- if not all -- investors. In September, the S&P 500 posted a new closing low for the year, and the Dow fell into bear market territory for the first time since the broader market began to decline in January. Using history as our guide and an optimistic view of humankind’s ability to innovate and solve problems of all sizes, we are confident that this uncertain period will pass, just as they have before, and better times will return for investors. We continue to watch our clients’ portfolios closely and look for new ways to stay defensive and opportunistic in this shifting market.

Video: Obermeyer Wood Quarterly Investment Outlook - Fall 2022 Thumbnail

Video: Obermeyer Wood Quarterly Investment Outlook - Fall 2022

In our latest quarterly investment outlook video, Wally Obermeyer, President and Co-Founder, and Ali Phillips, Executive Vice President and Partner, delve into the latest trends affecting the economy and markets. As we head into the final quarter of 2022, markets remain volatile as the U.S. economy faces headwinds related to persistent inflation, tightened monetary policy, increasing recession risk, and continued geopolitical uncertainty. Amidst all of the uncertainty, there are reasons to stay optimistic and keep a favorable view of long-term opportunities in this market. Check out the video below to learn more.

Nightingale on Forbes.com: How to talk to aging parents about health & wealth Thumbnail

Nightingale on Forbes.com: How to talk to aging parents about health & wealth

Don’t wait to talk to your aging parents about their financial wellbeing. This is one of the best pieces of advice I can offer, as both a financial adviser and adult child who’s “been there.” In the world of financial planning, it’s called “30/60”: If you are in your 30s, or your parents are in their 60s, you should have this conversation. That’s because the time to have “the talk” is well before any health-related emergency happens. If your parents don’t already have a durable power of attorney, health care proxy, or other crucial legal documents in place, you could face a complex legal process to ensure their wishes are granted in the event of something like an Alzheimer’s diagnosis.

Obermeyer Wood News - Summer 2022 Thumbnail

Obermeyer Wood News - Summer 2022

Let’s not mince words: It was a painful quarter to be an investor. The stock market finished the second quarter of the year with its worst first-half performance in over 50 years. The S&P 500 and Nasdaq were officially trading in bear market territory, down 21% and 30% year-to-date.1 The bond market, cryptocurrencies, real estate, and most commodities either had negative quarterly performance or showed signs of deceleration. Unless an investor was concentrated in the energy sector or foreign exchange trading, it was a very difficult start to the year.